The journey to a fine smile means more than straightening your teeth. A natural fit with facial appearance and underlying structure matters, along with encouraging good function.
Our orthodontists take an holistic view from the first stage. Creating a treatment plan based on overall need, for the present and future.
This includes understanding conditions such as crowding, protrusion, incorrect bite, or gaps in your teeth, together with offering solutions which benefit your health and appearance.
Orthodontic Outcomes
The least useful side of orthodontics is treatment which gives an inappropriate, Hollywood smile. You may have straight teeth but they look false, out of place with your facial shape.
A skilled orthodontist will avoid this and ideally be aware that your teeth have a reciprocal relationship with your body. They are markers of facial form, yet help to create that form.
Unnecessary extractions as part of orthodontic care, or caused years later by incorrect care, can change the shape of your face. Your smile can narrow, your facial profile degrade, defeating the objective.
This is a concern for younger patients, whose facial features are still developing, although applies to all of us. As does the need to speak well, breathe easily, eat as we wish, maintain our oral health.
Every one of those factors can be affected by orthodontic treatment choices, the reason that good orthodontics training promotes a balanced view.
Positive Decisions
Avoiding pitfalls brings an opportunity for the opposite. Cutting edge, fixed, or removable braces can be chosen, or individually tailored to support facial development, whilst retaining the natural shape of your teeth.
A range of dental issues can be foreseen and set aside, including some which may have occurred without orthodontics. The same applies to functional needs, which will be carefully allowed for.
We believe you have a right to a great smile, yet you also have a right to breathe, eat and speak in a natural way. They are all key parts of life and can all bring a boost to confidence.
In the rare case where this will help, we have the advantage of being allied to a leading maxillofacial clinic. If surgery is required for a harmonious facial balance, this is available.
For all cases, the same ethos of bringing appearance, health and the enjoyment of life into decision making applies. Personal orthodontics should be an holistic experience.