Everyone in the video seems happy with Clarity Ceramic braces and the girl above is certainly enjoying life. Clear braces are a valued option for understandable reasons.
Beyond aesthetics, the fine grained ceramic provides additional advantages. Extra strength in a small size, a dome shaped design and smooth corners, which enhance comfort.
The latest Clarity clear brackets require no metal liner, offer space for flexible treatment and tend to avoid tarnishing during the course of treatment.
They are a major step forward, although as with wearing any fixed braces, you need to know about treatment.
Clarity Clear FAQ
We want everyone under our care to understand the process. Most points below are useful for any braces and our staff will happily add to them:
- How long will I wear braces? – Modern, high quality braces such as Clarity may reduce treatment time a little. You should still expect to wear them for a year, up to 2 years for complex cases.
- Should I be referred to you? – Dentists throughout the UK do send patients to us but this is not required. All you need to do, is get in touch with our London clinic and arrange a consultation.
- Are a range of needs covered? – Treatment with Clarity Ceramic is comprehensive, from a few front teeth, to multiple issues. Despite the advantages, they are as capable as any other fixed brace.
- Is having braces painful? – Fitting is carried out with care and brings little discomfort. Your teeth may still be tender for a day or two afterwards, although this will wear off naturally.
- Can I still talk normally? – Any brace can cause temporary speech changes. The small profile of Clarity helps, although you should expect to take a few days before regaining quite normal speech.
- What will I be able to eat? – You may choose softer foods for a couple of days, beyond this, a healty diet is fine. Just avoid chewing gum, hard sweets, or large chunks of harder, or crusty food.
- Can I still play sports? – No problem at all, although for contact sports, wearing a mouthguard is important. Your orthodontist can arrange supply, or if required, have mouthguards made for you.
- Are Clarity Ceramic expensive? – The price is above average, due mainly to the advanced material and design. The difference is not so much, when weighed against additional benefits they provide.
- Is ongoing support included? – In every sense. Your regular appointments are included within treatment, as is personal support at any time. Our orthodontists consider your journey one they share.
Clarity At Harley Street
We will only suggest Clarity Ceramic braces if this is a great option for you. Our team focus on your dental health at all times and on the pleasure of creating a fine smile for you.
The orthodontists at our London clinic work with you to achieve this through skill, knowledge, fine equipment and by listening to you.
We know that achieving your goals takes commitment and total support helps. If you would like to talk to us about the ways we assist with fixed braces, or arrange a consultation, please contact us.